Mark Staff Brandl
What am I interested in here? Metaphor and art! I am an artist and art historian with a major
interest in cognitive metaphor theory. I wrote my PhD
dissertation on an original theory of metaphor in visual art.
My book, titled Metaphor(m): Engaging a Theory of Central Trope in Art, presents
and embodies my thesis that the formal, technical and stylistic
aspects of artists’ approaches concretely manifest content in
culturally and historically antithetical ways through a uniquely
discovered trope. My philosophy, termed metaphor(m) or the
theory of central trope, is grounded in conceptual metaphor and
cognitive science, particularly that of George Lakoff (with Mark
Turner and Mark Johnson) as well as Harold Bloom's idea of poetic
misprision. This concept is applied to painting, installation art,
electronic media, the expanded text concept, art history timeline
models, comics, and artistic cultural inheritance. This dissertation
is in the traditional form of a book, but with the addition of
paintings and sections in sequential comic form as well as an actual
installation comprised largely of paintings. The title logo of the
cover of my dissertation is the image above.
A wee pat on my own back: my supervising professors, art historian Dr Philip Ursprung
and cognitive scientist Dr Andreas Langlotz also awarded me the
honor of magna cum laude, praising the work in particular for
its exceptional originality. My PhD from the University of Zürich
Switzerland was awarded on 20 May 2011.
The famed philosopher Arthur Danto says of my dissertation that “there cannot be
many dissertations that are quite that creative and colorful.” Art
historian James Elkins concurs, saying “it
is the most colorful dissertation ever!”
My dissertation is now in the process of being expanded and translated into an art
exhibition and painting-installation with the curatorial advice of
Markus Landert, Director of the Art Museum of Thurgovia Switzerland.
It will be shown first in Zürich.
In this site I, with my friend and metaphor and art colleague Mark G. Taber, wish to discuss
and apply our ideas in this direction. We think this area of thought
is very important and inspirational. As Mark T says, "I believe
that ideas have real consequences in the world." Hopefully, through
this site we will be creating discussion with many fellow artists as well as metaphor researchers,
art and literature theorists, those interested in the arts and more, particularly on our
Facebook page.
Talk to and with you soon! — MSB